January 23

Genesis 46:1-47:31; Matthew 15:1-28; Psalm 19:1-14; Proverbs 4:14-19

One day Jesus was approached by a Gentile woman. This woman’s daughter was possessed and tormented! Obviously, she must have heard about Jesus and what He was able to do. She approached Jesus and pleaded with Him to heal her daughter. She pleads so loudly that she became disruptive. The Disciples insisted that Jesus send the woman away. 

He wouldn’t do that! Jesus tells her that His focus right now is on the lost sheep of Israel not Gentiles who have not acknowledged God. She would not stop! She kept pleading and worshipping! Jesus responded, “It isn’t right to take food from the children and throw it to the dogs” (Matthew 15:26). Now, that’s a strong statement. 

Jesus was saying to the woman, in essence, giving you healing and you not respecting the God who gives the healing is like wasting food. She agrees but doesn’t give up. She says but even dogs get crumbs!! This woman impressed Jesus with her faith. He called her faith great! Why? 

Because she would not be denied her miracle, even if she were not the ideal candidate. Have you short-circuited your faith by thinking you were unworthy? Have you felt disqualified for God’s blessings because of your past? Learn from this woman! Jesus will not turn you away if you trust Him as your only source!  That woman left Jesus with a miracle and so will you!

Tomorrow’s Reading: Genesis 48:1-49:33; Matthew 15:29-16:12; Psalm 20:1-9; Proverbs 4:20-27

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