April 5

Deuteronomy 28:1-68; Luke 11:14-36; Psalm 77:1-20; Proverbs 12:18

Deuteronomy 28 is a powerful chapter of the Bible. It illustrates how important obedience is. In fact, you will see that obedience is a theme that runs throughout the whole Bible. We know we want The Blessing of God on our lives. In the Old Testament, the people had to earn it by strict obedience to all the commandments. In the New Testament, we still have to be obedient but it is not to earn anything from God.

You see, in Christ, you are already blessed. You obey God because you are blessed and want those blessings to keep on flowing. You can’t earn The Blessing. Jesus earned the blessing for you. Don’t read this chapter and think that you are disqualified. Jesus made you qualified. Your obedience is nothing more than the way to express your thanksgiving for being blessed.

As you read Deuteronomy 28, the list of curses outweighs the blessings. These curses are all an Old Testament reality. As a child of God, you cannot be cursed. How can a blood-bought, child of God be cursed? Jesus died to destroy the curse. So, the next time you are tempted to disobey, know that your continued enjoyment of God’s blessings is on the line. If you feel your life is cursed, it’s not. You have let the enemy of your soul trick you into accepting less than what Jesus died for. Resolve today that you will no longer take any of the curse because the Blood of Jesus broke the curse.

Live a life obeying God as a way to please Him not earn anything from Him.

Tomorrow’s Reading: Deuteronomy 29:1-30:20; Luke 11:37-12:7; Psalm 78:1-31; Proverbs 12:19-20

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