May 31

2 Samuel 17:1-29; John 19:23-42; Psalm 119:129-152; Proverbs 16:12-13

If you did not sow it, you will not reap it! This is a profound truth by which you should live your life. David had taken great pains to ensure that he never disrespected Saul as King. He preserved the King’s dignity even when King Saul was trying to kill him.

Now, David was faced with his own son who sought to kill him and take the throne. If you are not aware of this simple spiritual law, you would be concerned for David. However, God is clear: “Don’t be misled– you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant.” (Galatians 6:7)

You may be facing a situation where it looks unfair and you are reaping something that you did not sow. It is impossible! If you never sowed it, then it cannot happen to you. And, if you are experiencing something contrary to what you have sowed, then know it’s not over. This is God’s justice! If you have sowed things for which you are not proud and do not want to reap, repent to God (and apologize to others if necessary) and cancel out that harvest and begin to sow the seeds you want to reap. It is a law that cannot be broken!

Tomorrow’s Reading: 2 Samuel 18:1-19:10; John 20:1-31; Psalm 119:153-176; Proverbs 16:14-15

May 30

2 Samuel 15:23-16:23; John 18:25-19:22; Psalm 119:113-128; Proverbs 16:10-11

Wisdom is essential when you are going through a challenging time. David’s very future was at stake and his own son was threatening everything. As David fled from Jerusalem, he needed wisdom to order his steps. David was a trained soldier and he knew how to approach a situation from a non-emotional perspective.

Even though David was emotionally hurt about his son’s betrayal, he did not let it override his ability to think strategically about the future. He sent the Ark of the Covenant back to Jerusalem with a priest that was faithful to him. He also sent one of his key advisors back so that he would have an “inside man” to inform him of Absalom’s moves.

Absalom had might and manipulation but David had God and His wisdom. And as you can obviously conclude, wisdom from God will always win the day! No matter what circumstance you may face as a person, leader, manager, parent, or professional, know that God has the right wisdom for your situation and it will always lead to you finishing on top. Be like David and seek for God’s wisdom on your situation. It will always work!

Tomorrow’s Reading: 2 Samuel 17:1-29; John 19:23-42; Psalm 119:129-152; Proverbs 16:12-13

May 29

2 Samuel 14:1-15:22; John 18:1-24; Psalm 119:97-112; Proverbs 16:8-9

David and Absalom were separated because of his murderous act. Joab, the leader of David’s armies concocts a plan to convince David to bring Absalom back. Now, the end result is that David brings Absalom back but his heart had not changed. However, the principle of reconciliation is still true.

God does not give up on people! We shouldn’t either. “But God does not just sweep life away; instead, he devises ways to bring us back when we have been separated from him” (2 Samuel 14:14).

Aren’t you glad God never gave up on you? When we were in our sin, God devised a way for us to come back. God does not compromise on this way back. The only way to come back to Him is through Jesus. No other way will work. The same should be true for us. When a relationship has been broken, give people a chance to fix the relationship by putting in place a reconciliation plan. If they live by it, then they can come back. But, if they refuse to follow the plan, then they are not ready and you should keep praying for them. Always give people a way back.

David should have seen that Absalom wanted to come back but his heart had not changed. He ended up taking over David’s kingdom. Use wisdom in how you bring people back into your life to ensure that real change has taken place.

Tomorrow’s Reading: 2 Samuel 15:23-16:23; John 18:25-19:22; Psalm 119:113-128; Proverbs 16:10-11

May 28

2 Samuel 13:1-39; John 17:1-26; Psalm 119:81-96; Proverbs 16:6-7

There is a spirit behind all sin. Once sin is committed, it releases that spirit in our lives. You can see this in David’s life and family. His blatant sin with Bathsheba and his murder of Uriah, unleashed sin in his family.

David’s first-born son commits a disgraceful act against his own sister. In retaliation, Absalom plots to kills Amnon for his attack against his sister. All the brothers kill Amnon. So much blood shed in one family. Why? Because of the sins of David. (God said this would happen.) You may have heard of generational curses. But, as believers, blood-bought children of God, we cannot live under a curse. However, the tendency to a specific type of sin exists.

You see it played out in David’s family and even more happens. Be on guard in your own life for temptations in specific areas of sin. You don’t have to give in to them because Jesus paid the price for you to be free. “So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free.” (John 8:36)

Tomorrow’s Reading: 2 Samuel 14:1-15:22; John 18:1-24; Psalm 119:97-112; Proverbs 16:8-9


May 27

2 Samuel 12:1-31; John 16:1-33; Psalm 119:65-80; Proverbs 16:4-5

Sin is very costly! David betrayed God’s commands when he slept with Bathsheba and killed Uriah. We know that it cost David a lot. The real cost of David’s sin will never be known. Here is what God said, “…And if that had not been enough, I would have given you much, much more” (2 Samuel 12:8).

There was so much more that God had in store for David but he would never know it because of his sinful actions. He endured great pain as a result of his affair with Bathsheba but it cost him so much more than he would ever know. Sin is costly.

Even though we are forgiven and we are recipients of God’s grace, our continued sin blocks the fullness of God’s blessings in our lives. Don’t throw away the “much, much more” that God has promised you. Learn from David’s mistake and stay away from sin. You can’t afford the consequences!

Tomorrow’s Reading: 2 Samuel 13:1-39; John 17:1-26; Psalm 119:81-96; Proverbs 16:6-7

May 26

2 Samuel 9:1-11:27; John 15:1-27; Psalm 119:49-64; Proverbs 16:1-3

Cover up plans just don’t work! David was on a powerful path to be a great king. He was enjoying the spoils of victory and he was presented with a temptation that he refused to reject. As a result, he broke God’s commands. Instead of repenting and asking God to forgive him, he enacts a cover up plan in the hopes that his sin would not be found out.

In order to hide the sin of adultery, he commits murder! David goes from bad to worse. He, now, has blood on his hands and his military commander knows it. The freedom that David once felt was no longer present because now he had a dirty, little secret that someone else knew. What’s worse is that God saw all of it unfolding and He was hoping David would repent.

The Bible tells us that “He who covers his sins will not prosper, But whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy” (Proverbs 28:23). Mercy is only granted to those who confess. Are you missing out on the mercies of God because you have trusted your cover up plan more than God’s mercy? Go to God today and repent of any unconfessed sin. Even ask the Holy Spirit to show you areas of unrepented sin. Confess it, renounce it and repent, then move forward with a clean conscience.

Tomorrow’s Reading: 2 Samuel 12:1-31; John 16:1-33; Psalm 119:65-80; Proverbs 16:4-5

May 25

2 Samuel 7:1-8:18; John 14:15-31; Psalm 119:33-48; Proverbs 15:33

God has always desired to live among his people. As the people traveled, so did God. His dwelling was in the Tabernacle (tent). Now that Israel was no longer nomadic, and had settled into their home, David felt that God deserved a permanent home.

He tells the Prophet Nathan about his plan to build a house for God. But, God tells David, that his role is not to build the temple but his son will. You see, the temple that God would dwell in was not His ultimate goal. God knew that His master plan included a living temple. David’s son Solomon would have the privilege of building a physical temple. But, Jesus, a descendant of David would provide a better temple.

God knew the day was coming when He would no longer be separated from humanity because of our sin. When Jesus came and paid the price for sin, God could take up residence in our hearts! Thank God today that He dwells within you which is His cherished residence!

Tomorrow’s Reading: 2 Samuel 9:1-11:27; John 15:1-27; Psalm 119:49-64; Proverbs 16:1-3

May 24

2 Samuel 4:1-6:23; John 13:31-14:14; Psalm 119:17-32; Proverbs 15:31-32

David defeated the Philistines and was ready to serve as King. He had acquired Jerusalem as his Royal city and it was not going to be complete without the presence of God. David assembles his elite fighting troops but this time it is not to go out to war but to escort the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem.

On the way to Jerusalem, the cart falters and Uzzah touches the Ark (which was a forbidden task). He dies instantly. David becomes fearful and leaves the Ark in the home of a faithful man of God, Obed-edom. For 3 months, Obed-edom’s house was supernaturally blessed because of God’s presence. David knew he needed this blessing in Jerusalem. However, this time, when he went to get to ark, he didn’t bring soldiers, he brought worshippers.

You see there is a time to fight battles but there is also a time to praise God! The journey from Gath to Jerusalem was long because every 6 steps, they performed a sacrifice to God. And, as they approached Jerusalem, David led the people in worship. He worshipped God so passionately, that he danced out of his robe. One of his wives became offended at his public display of extreme worship. But, David did not mind because he knew how much God had blessed him in bringing him from the field as a shepherd to become the King of Israel.

Has God done anything for you? Are you appreciative of how far God has brought you? Do you recognize where you would be if it were not for God? If so, then God deserves your best, unreserved, radical praise. (And, you don’t have to wait until Sunday!) Take some time today and give God a radical praise for all that He has done and has promised to do in your life!

Tomorrow’s Reading: 2 Samuel 7:1-8:18; John 14:15-31; Psalm 119:33-48; Proverbs 15:33

May 23

2 Samuel 2:12-3:39; John 13:1-30; Psalm 119:1-16; Proverbs 15:29-30

Unforgiveness is a powerful and destructive force. It clouds one’s judgment and causes one to act in vengeful ways. This is what happened to Joab. David’s forces, led by Joab, were in constant battle with Saul’s forces (led by Abner). They met on the field of battle and Joab’s brother, Asahel, was killed by Abner. Joab never released this offense.

Some time later, David forges a truce with Abner so that the Kingdom of Israel can be united. Abner and David meet and they are at peace with one another and moving forward with a plan to reunite Israel. When Joab hears that Abner was with David, every ounce of unforgiveness arose in him and he, without David’s knowledge, tricks Abner into returning to Hebron for a conversation. Joab kills Abner by breaking the truce that David had just made. What was the end result of all this? David curses Joab and his descendants. Was it worth it? Maybe for a minute but not for several generations of poverty, sickness, and untimely death.

If you are holding onto any resentment or unforgiveness, I implore you, “Please let it go.” It will only cause you to derail your own future. Regardless of what they did, hear the words of Jesus, “Put away your sword… Those who use the sword will die by the sword.” Let it not be so for you!

Tomorrow’s Reading: 2 Samuel 4:1-6:23; John 13:31-14:14; Psalm 119:17-32; Proverbs 15:31-32

May 22

2 Samuel 1:1-2:11; John 12:20-50; Psalm 118:19-29; Proverbs 15:27-28

Have you ever gone on a journey and you knew you were close to your destination? You were in eager expectation of what you will do once you arrive. But something happens, a detour of some sort, and now your arrival has been delayed. How do you handle times like these?

Saul and Jonathan were dead. There was no human obstacle to stop David from taking his rightful place on the throne. Just as he was ascending to the throne, Abner, Saul’s army commander, proclaims one of Saul’s sons as the king. Hadn’t David been through enough? He endured the assassination attempts of Saul. Now, that it looks like the obstacles are clear, another one pops up.

When you have a promise from God, understand that obstacles will arise. They are meant to break your spirit and keep you from moving forward. There is a real enemy who desires to turn your faith into fear. He wants to intimidate you.  You have to purpose in your heart, whatever God has for you, it is for you. No one can take what’s yours! You hold onto what God said! He will defend you and ensure that you end up exactly where He promised!

Tomorrow’s Reading: 2 Samuel 2:12-3:39; John 13:1-30; Psalm 119:1-16; Proverbs 15:29-30