Judges 13:1-14:20; John 1:29-51; Psalm 102:1-28; Proverbs 14:15-16
You can never overlook the power of God’s Spirit at work in your life. Whenever the Spirit comes into your life, He brings the supernatural power of God. Samson was a special child because he was the answer to his parent’s prayers. They had to commit to a Nazarite lifestyle for him. They were willing to do whatever was necessary because they so desperately wanted a child.
What set Samson apart from all the other Judges of Israel was that Samson was full of the Spirit of God. As a young boy, Samson grew deeper and deeper in the Holy Spirit. His consecration as a Nazarite qualified him to receive the Spirit’s help and power. The same was true for Jesus.
When Jesus was baptized, the Holy Spirit descended upon Him. The Holy Spirit is God’s seal upon His people. The Spirit empowers us to live for God. The Spirit empowers us to walk in miracles, signs and wonders. The Holy Spirit enlivens our prayers and causes change to happen. Samson needed the Holy Spirit. Jesus needed the Holy Spirit. The early Apostles needed the Holy Spirit. And, you and I need the Spirit of God to lead us and guide us each and every day.
Ask the Holy Spirit to enter your life and fill you to overflowing. Ask Him to direct you every moment of every day! Your very life depends on it.
Tomorrow’s Reading: Judges 15:1-16:31; John 2:1-25; Psalm 103:1-22; Proverbs 14:17-19