February 1

Exodus 13:17-15:18Matthew 21:23-46; Psalm 26:1-12; Proverbs 6:16-19

God’s ways are truly not our ways. After all that Israel had been through for 430 years, you would think God would bring them through the fastest route to the Promised Land. But, not so! God took them the long way around but it was for their own good.

God understood that if they were on the straightest route and they encountered resistance, the attraction to return to slavery would be too great to resist. And the bondage from which He had so gloriously freed them would be their new home. God knows how to lead us—oh yes He does. I can admit that it does not feel good when you are going on that road but as long as your steps are ordered by God, you will end up where God wants you and You will see His Mighty Miracles along the way.

The direct route may seem fastest but it may not be the best! When God sends us on a journey, the great part is that He goes with us. With Israel, He was a pillar of fire at night and a pillar of cloud during the day. He lit the way at night and shaded them from the scorching sun during the day.

You may question the path that you are on but if God is leading your steps, rest assured you will end up in the right place and along the way you will see God’s mighty hand at work on your behalf! You may have to cross through Red Seas but that’s what makes it a miracle! You don’t cross Red Seas on the direct route!

Tomorrow’s Reading: Exodus 15:19-17:7; Matthew 22:1-33; Psalm 27:1-6; Proverbs 6:20-26

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