July 6

1 Chronicles 2:18-4:4; Acts 24:1-27; Psalm 4:1-8; Proverbs 18:16-18

In the Bible, family is important. The family is important because every person ever created is important to God! Because God values everyone and wants no one to be alone, he sets us all in families. “God places the lonely in families” (Psalm 68:6).

Families are interesting because they can be the source of great joy or great sorrow. They can be a lot of fun or a lot frustration. Regardless of where you are in your family, you should know that God has placed a blessing on the families that follow Him. Though you are not promised a perfect family, you can still have a blessed family. 

Ask yourself these questions: Is Christ the center of my family? Am I appreciative of every person in my family (regardless of how I feel about them)? Am I serving as a model of Christ-likeness? Have I forgiven those in my family who have offended me? If you answered, “No” on any of these questions, examine your heart and determine how you can correct it. Family is God’s idea and He wants you to enjoy it!

Tomorrow’s Reading: 1 Chronicles 4:5-5:17; Acts 25:1-27; Psalm 5:1-12; Proverbs 18:19

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